Answer: The Sub-Alpine Fir
The sub-alpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) is found in most areas of Yukon. The territory adopted the tree as its symbol in 2001, in part because of its fame among the territory’s Aboriginal people for its healing powers. They would boil the needles to make a cold-fighting tea rich in vitamin C and use the sap to treat lung ailments.
Abies-lasiocarpa. Subalpine fir…
Winter is just around the corner
Snow came late this year (2023) – it was October 5th by the time we saw white on the ground outside the cabin. We received 17 centimetres of snow but 4 days later the rain washed it all away. So, we all received the wake-up call that winter WILL be coming to the Yukon this year as well. That means we’ll have to bring our camp in order: clean and…
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Living off-grid and what about food?
Who doesn’t love pre-cooked meals? And what could be better than you yourself preparing them in the first place? That way you exactly know what’s in it. Such meals safe a lot of your time and energy, yes they do. Say you cook one big pot of moose stew which could end up being as many as 21 meals for you and your chosen one…wouldn’t that be swell? Imagine getting up in the…